If the labor is gone through with an experienced medical staff, which of course it should be, then no it is not harmful. These kinds of practices which leave marks on the baby’s head that later disappear are used to help the baby get out of the mother easily.
For couples that do not want any more children, the tying of tubes may be recommended. The rate of the people that benefit from this practice in developed places is almost up to %20. This practice whose reliability is almost %100 does not have any negative effects on the woman’s sexual life. If the delivery is done with a caesarean section it can be done at the same time as the delivery but if it is normal delivery then a simple surgical intervention should be enough.
In order to ease the baby’s coming, an incision is done to the under part of the vaginal canal and this is called an episiotomy. It is something important because if the canal is not opened enough and the delivery happens fast, tears may occur in this area.
Before medications are given through the vein, gels that contain Prostaglandin are implemented through the vaginal canal and through this the starting of labor is boosted. Contractions may be started with the medications given through the vein but in such a case labors usually go on for longer.
The chance of this happening during labor is %15. Usually this is fixed by the doctor while the baby’s head is being taken out. Or it is fixed by completely cutting the cord. If it gets really stuck then it causes irregularity in the baby’s heartbeats.
The baby’s digestive system is filled with meconium before birth. In pregnancy cases whose labor time is overdue, with the baby’s bowel movements the meconium may get mixed up with the amniotic fluid. At this point, with the baby’s breathing this liquid may get to the lungs and the Meconium Aspiration Syndrome may occur, which is harmful for the baby.
Usually until the labor has started, it is not certain whether one can have normal birth or not. Approximately %20 of deliveries are done through C-section.
Narcotic medications may be used to minimize the pain and help the mother rest. Because they are used in little dosages, they do not prolong the labor. Epidural anesthesia may also be used to help reduce the labor pain. This procedure which may slow down the delivery is done to the body through a thin catheter placed in the back of the body and it helps reduce the pain. If the epidural anesthesia is done once the cervical dilation is more than 4 cm or after the baby is placed on the pelvis then the delivery would not be prolonged.
When you calculate it based on your last menstruation date, pregnancy lasts for 280 days (40 weeks). When you add 7 days to the last menstruation date and go back 3 months, you can conclude your approximate labor date. An example would be: For a pregnant woman whose last menstruation date is 1 March 2019, the approximate labor date is 7 December 2019.
These kinds of signs including headaches can occur frequently during pregnancy due to hormonal and vascular changes. It should go away in the further periods of pregnancy.
It is difficult to make a guess on the impregnation and ovulation date when it comes to irregular menstruations. In such a case, the approximate labor date is based on ultrasonographic measuring.
After 7 days once the expected menstruation date has passed, pregnancy can be confirmed by means of ultrasonography. With ultrasound, the baby’s development can be monitored.
The sicknesses felt during pregnancy begin at the 8th week of pregnancy and may continue until the 16th week. These sicknesses which are signs of a healthy pregnancy may be appeased by eating in frequent and small amounts. In most pregnancies, with the rising bHCG hormone more sicknesses may occur.
If you are experiencing sicknesses as a result of vitamins then you may avoid that problem by taking the vitamins after eating or right before going to bed.
The growth of the womb may cause pressure to the vagina or the need to frequently urinate during pregnancy. This situation which may go on during the first 12 weeks may occur again at the last stages of the pregnancy.
During all of the pregnancy, it is a sign of a healthy pregnancy to gain 8 or 10 kg. When it comes to the first trimester, it is normal to gain 2 kg. Big amounts of weight that are gained in the first 3 months of the pregnancy may result in gaining too much weight throughout the rest of the pregnancy.
During pregnancy, almost all pregnant women have the fear of their baby facing an abnormal delivery. The frequency of any major delivery abnormalities occurring, however, is %3.
In situations where the x-ray is absolutely necessary, you may get it while covering your stomach with a steel vest.
To get over the flu situation more comfortably, the mother should get lots of rest, consume hot beverages/liquids and when needed, she may use paracetamol painkiller and antifebrile with the doctor’s supervision.
It can be said that high amounts of coffee consumption during pregnancy causes lots of problems such as early labor or miscarriage. During pregnancy, at the very most one or two cups of coffee may be consumed.
Until the last month of your pregnancy, you may comfortably travel. In you long travels you may get up frequently to walk around and drink lots of liquids in order to make it easier for yourself.
The baby’s first movements can be first felt in the 20. week of the pregnancy. If you have never felt your baby move even in the 24. week you should definitely consult with your doctor.
While avoiding any heavy and dangerous exercises, you may continue your daily exercises. If you feel the tiniest bit of tiredness during the exercise you should definitely stop and rest. In addition, stay away from exercises that need balancing.